The adventuring party comes across an encampment in the frozen wilderness, but will the mighty warriors who rest there be friends or foes?
Cave Tunnels Vol. 4
An always needed terrain, this further continuation of cave systems is sure to be handy once you start sending your players start exploring the depths of the Earth.
Tar Pit
Far into No Man’s Land there’s a peculiar place. Boiling tar bubbles without end, and the remains of giant beasts, long forgotten by the implacable passage of time, give us a glimpse into the distant past.
Fire Sword Chamber
A huge chamber now lies before the mighty adventurers. The coveted elemental sword now within their grasp.
Secret Library
The group has gained passage to the secret section of the Great Library. Entering through a well-guarded teleporter, the might heroes are now able to peruse tomes of forbidden lore and spells.
Acidic Passage Vol. 2
The party now has to make their way through the acid-filled mountain, just one of the many obstacles before they reach the fearsome black dragon.
Swamp Bridges
Always a dangerous terrain, this dark swamps can provide a challenging encounter for the party of adventurers that dare cross it.
Snowy Forest Clearing
Lost in the snowy woods, cold and hungry, the party continues on their never-ending mission to stop all evil in the world.
Tired, they are on the border of collapse. But at the last moment they’re fortunate enough to find a strange contraption in the middle of nowhere.
Noble House
The group of adventurers have finally managed to secure a nice dinner with the elusive noble, whose vast wealth can help them finance their expedition to the lands beyond the Known World.
Desert Sacrifice Temple
There’s a dark place that lies somewhere where the desert sun casts its shadow. This temple, dedicated to the wicked gods that rule this arid land, has seen countless liters of blood spilled in their forbidden name.