This week I have drawn my second river crossing battle map. I have expanded upon the idea a little bit and also added a ruined tower in the bottom right corner of the map.
The Ring Of Fire
Well, technically it’s not a ring of fire, but dungeon structure that makes the center look kind of like a ring of fire because it’s above some lava doesn’t really have the same ring to it.
Small Forest Camp
This time I have for you a map I’ve been meaning to draw for some time: a camp in a very dense forest.
Shack In The Forest
This week I have for you another forest map for you to use. This map is partly based on an adventure I ran for my group about a year ago, which in turn is heavily based on a Lovecraft story. And Skyrim, because why not.
Lava Passage
This week I have a very exciting map for you guys! I initially set out to make a simple lava pass, but after a couple of iterations I came up with a very interesting design.
The objective of this one is to cross from one side to the next, but the catch is that there isn’t an easy way to do it. At least not without the help of some wizardry.
Forest Crossroads
This time I have made a map that’s simple in concept, but that can be used in a wide variety of adventures and campaigns: it’s a crossroads map!
Forest Path
I’m back with a new forest map, one which is more lush than my other ones. I made this particular map thinking about an ambush encounter.
Small Farm
I have something a little bit different for you this time: a cottage of a farmer an his small farm.
Mountain Pass
Somewhat keeping with the theme of pushing people over cliffs from last week this time I have made a map of a mountain pass. This time the stakes are higher though, since being pushed over the edge will not just cause a disadvantage for the party, but will actually put the characters in great peril.
High Ground: Forest
Today I have for you a map that’s all about height control. I thought that the party could either be on top of the cliff from the beginning and try to stay there as much as possible to have the upper hand in combat.