A shipment of smuggled goods is about to arrive to the city and the party of adventurers has been tasked to retrieve them. Among other things, city watch intel says that a cursed artifact is there.
Druid Circle
The heroes have arrived to help the druids. After a fierce battle with the forces of Evil, Nature’s wizards have begun to try and heal the land.
Fire Dragon Temple
Legends speak of a powerful dragon who lived in times beyond our understanding. It was a time of chaos and primordial beings, and some say that the mighty dragon was once revered as the god of destruction.
Desert Path
There’s a mine located in the middle of the desert sun where a forbidden ore is mined to create powerful, albeit cursed, weapons. Looking to destroy such creations (or trying to procure some for themselves) the party of heroes sets course to the underground.
Forest Waterfall Vol. 2
On their travels, the heroes come across a great waterfall in the forest. Tired from walking so much, they decide to rest a bit and wash themselves before going forward once more.
Underground Market Square
There’s a community of people from all over the Known World who have made their home in an ancient underground fortress.
The fortress lay abandoned for centuries until it was found by some lucky explorers years ago. As time went on, the explorers decided to settle there, and invited trusted people they knew to help them clear out the ruins and make this place fit to live in.
Swamp Bridge Path
The dark swamp lay before them. The heroes who have triumphed over their enemies now face the murky waters and the foul creatures that inhabit its darkness.
Pharaoh’s Tomb
The adventurers have bested the guardians at the gates of the tomb. Now it’s time to really test their mettle and see if they’re worthy of the Pharaoh’s riches.
Jungle Ruins
Amidst the jungle, the brave heroes have encountered some ancient ruins that hold an artifact of unimaginable power.
Astral Inn
Some adventurers are fortunate enough to have long, fulfilling careers: monster-slaying, ass-kicking, kingdom-saving and everything in between. Eventually they go off not only to save their own world, but other planes as well.