I have for you a new, lush and green forest map. There’s going to be a couple more winter maps this month as well, though. So don’t fret, I haven’t lost the winter spirit just yet!
Last November we got the new releases on the Pokémon franchise, Pokémon Sword and Shield. That got me thinking, “Hmmm, maybe I could draw some battle arenas. Maybe that’d make for an interesting encounter.” As such I present to you my first totally-not-a-Pokémon-arena battle map!
The idea is to have some kind of important battle on the middle part of the map. It could be a fight with the party’s rivals, nemesis, or something akin to that. Or maybe they have to demonstrate a feat of strength to a mysterious forest spirit and defeat the Champion of the Woods.
Since I didn’t want to draw the arena just by itself, I went ahead and did the whole environment too. That way if you want to have some sort of duel with the rival of a particular PC for example, you can have additional enemies who don’t fight fair moving about the forest area and attacking from a distance, helping the enemy. Then, the remaining party members can focus on dealing with the skirmishers and let the fateful battle between the two rivals remain between them.
I also put some water around the arena, making elimination by a ring-out possible. Additionally, it serves as an additional obstacle the group has to conquer if they want to actually reach the arena.
Anyway, I hope you like the idea. I’ll have some more elemental arenas coming up on the following months.

In addition to this free version if you pledge to my Patreon you can get more awesome content such as:
Patreon Tier 1 Content
- Access to all previously released maps
- High resolution maps
- Roll20 sized maps
- Grid versions
- Gridless versions
- Several prop variants
- Night variant
Patreon Tier 2 Content
- Everything in Tier 1
- Sunset variant
- Alternate color palettes
- Line variant
- Map tokens
Good gaming!