An unfortunate series of events has left our brave heroes stuck in the dark swamp. This is an uncanny place, infamous for the horrific tales that are told about it in the city.
Ice Tomb
A long time ago lived a wise, powerful wizard who made his home in a snowy mountain. Even though the wizard didn’t live in the city, they made a name for themselves and the folks would look up to the kind wizard for their wisdom.
Fairy Cave
Their journey has brought the brave heroes to a magical cave where powerful nature magic has manifested itself in the form of beautiful and strange vegetation. Wild, magical beasts run amok in this whimsical place that seems to be from another realm entirely.
Ruined Swamp Fortress
The murky waters have deeply tired our heroes. Many battles they have fought in this dreadful swamp and their strength is almost gone. Rain starts falling, they don’t want to be outside if the storm gets any worse.
Frozen Wastes
The adventurers have ventured far to the North. Not much is to be found here except for ice and the biting cold.
Yet, they have managed to find their objective: the entrance to the cave made of ice that the wise witch told them about so many moons ago.
Burning City Streets
The war has begun without notice. Nobody knows exactly who or what is doing this to the city. A large scale attack that is making the streets turn red with fire and blood.
Startled, the heroes, who were soundly asleep, wake up. Their lungs start to fill with smoke and they rush outside to see what’s going on.
Forest Chasm
The group of adventurers is in dire need of continuing their travels as fast as possible. Time is of the essence and taking any sort of long detour is out of the question.
A deep chasm that goes for miles and is almost as deep is now their biggest threat. Sure, some kind of heroes will no doubt cross it by doing an impressive back-flip, but for the other kind things aren’t so simple.
Bandit Den
There has been many reported robberies in the countryside, a group of bandits has been stealing all sorts of goods from wagons, travelers and everyone who is unfortunate enough to go through those dangerous roads outside the city.
Labyrinth of the Dead
The mad necromancer has prepared one last challenge for the brave adventurers: a labyrinth made with the bones of countless lost souls.
Corrupted Forest
The corruption has spread across the land. Now that evil has returned, no place is safe from its destructive reach.